How can I tell if an FAQ is linked to by other FAQs?

If the question you wish to delete displays a 'links' symbol instead of the usual red cross for deletion, it signifies that this question is linked to by other FAQs. Attempting to delete it under these circumstances would leave those links in place within the FAQs that reference it, resulting in broken links.

To understand which FAQs are linked to it, hover your mouse over the 'links' symbol. This will provide a list of the labels of the FAQs that link to the question. Clicking on the 'links' symbol will generate a results list showing all these linked FAQs.

If you genuinely need to delete the question that is being linked to, rather than simply making amendments, you will first have to eliminate all the links from the linking FAQs. To achieve this, click on the 'links' symbol to reveal all the FAQs that link to it, and then proceed to edit each one, removing the link to the FAQ you intend to delete.

Once you have successfully removed all the links, you will find that the red cross for deletion will reappear in place of the 'links' symbol. At that point, you will be able to delete your FAQ.
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