Similarly, when a template necessitates that categories be hard-coded (often done to fulfil particular requests during the initial build, such as excluding or reordering categories in a specific way), users may not have the option to change these categories.
It's important to note that if categories have been hard-coded into the template, any changes to the categories in the database will create a mismatch between the knowledge base and the template. As a result, the old category will no longer display any FAQs, and the new one won't automatically appear.
When categories are tightly integrated into the template's design, the addition of new categories or changes to category names may lead to design issues.
Furthermore, renaming categories introduces a discontinuity in the analytics system. A new RSS feed will be generated for the newly renamed category, initially containing no data since no hits will have been recorded against it. This will change as users search for and click on FAQs within the renamed category, but users making category changes should be prepared for a temporary disconnection. This can be resolved by renaming the category, publishing, clicking on a few FAQs in the new category, and republishing to populate the category feed.
If you have access to this functionality, you'll notice an edit pencil to the right of the category and subcategory selection boxes in the 'Browse articles by category' section of the Editor. Click the button to start editing categories.

Once inside of the edit catergories seciton of the Editor, select which category you would like to edit, amend the details and hit the 'Edit category' button to save the changes.

If you need to change a category name and lack the necessary permissions to do so, please contact your Synthetix account manager. They can discuss whether your permissions can be updated and address any potential implications for your design and analytics.